Friday, 24 August 2012

My Very First Blog!

My Very First Blog! 

Well, here I am 50+ years old and doing my very first blog.  A year ago I wouldn’t have had a clue what a blog was never mind writing one.

However, a year can bring so many changes in our lives. Changes and challenges that if we embrace them can help us to develop our potential and face the huge learning curves we so often retreat from - or if you are like me, run a mile from. 

Since my daughter, Nicola and I decided to start our online home and gift boutique – Noah Home and Gifts -  I have had to overcome a fear of the dreaded internet; google, facebook, seo, keywords......... and all the other words that were once a foreign language to me and made me feel like a stranger in a strange land. A novice with no skills of interpretation.  I can think of lots of other phrases but daren’t put them down in black and white!  Of course I have many other transferable skills that I have developed over the years from various jobs, mainly in customer care that I could bring to the table but I’m sure we’ll all agree that the world wide web has changed the world as we know it in the recent past! 

So, I am now sitting in front of my laptop contemplating my development over the past year and hopefully encouraging anyone else who may be reading this virgin blog to follow their dreams!  When he was three years old, my grandson once gave me some good advice!  He had asked me to fix one of his toys. After 5 minutes I gave up saying, “I can’t do it”. He replied: “Never give up gran, you have to keep on trying”.

I asked, “Where did you hear that Ryan?” He said “From Granny Murray on the telly”.
Yes, you’ve guessed right those words of wisdom outweighed all the positive thinking training, online courses, self talk etc, etc, etc, to get me to the position I am in now, a gran doing a blog, a mum in business with her daughter and a woman with a belief in herself to reach her true potential.  My motto is, “Never give up and keep on trying”.  So thank you Ryan (now 7 years old). 

A post I saw on facebook also had some good advice, though not as good as Ryan’s: 


                   Making a big life change is scary.

                But know what’s even scarier?



Think on it!






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